Friday, January 27, 2017

Sleep? No, I never get enough.

Good Morning!

Perhaps you're one of those parents whose baby sleeps so peacefully through the night. 

We aren't there yet.  Not even close.  Our little one is almost five months old and his longest stretch of sleep yet is four hours (and that was about two months ago.)  He has been teething and two popped through in the last week.  I'm sure this contributes to it, but waking up about every two hours is very difficult when you really need to be focused throughout the day.  While its true that you get used to the sleep deprivation, it isn't fun when your brain needs to work and you can't concentrate because you just want to nap.  (Yesterday, I ate tropical skittles and drank Diet Coke during lecture just to stay with it.)

I'm also breastfeeding the little fella, so I'm the one to get up with him.  My husband will get up if I ask him to, or if I'm just exhausted and I roll over and poke him out of bed.  That being said, 90% of why our little one cries at night is hunger, so it isn't worth him waking up to turn around and have the baby handed to me to nurse.

I'm sure that things will settle down soon, but if you mamas out there have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them!

Here is a video from my youth that accurately describes my position:
"Sleep" by Riley Armstrong

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